Current Programs
Project 180 offers a number of diverse and award-winning programs, tailored to the specific needs of those we serve.
AB 109 – Our extensive forensic treatment services are designed to support the reentry process for this population by addressing behavioral health needs, along with practical reentry needs including medical/dental, family reunification, education, employment, benefits assistance, housing, transportation, and beyond. AB 109 is run in close collaboration with the Los Angeles County Probation Department and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.
Co-Occurring Disorder Court (CODC) – Project 180 is proud to be the sole treatment provider for the Los Angeles Co-Occurring Disorders Court, founded in 2007. Designed for defendants with significant behavioral health needs, this diversion program provides intensive supervision and treatment. Successful participants have the opportunity not only to turn their lives around, but to have a reduction or dismissal of their criminal charges. This program runs in collaboration with the Superior Court, Public Defender’s Office, District Attorney’s Office, Department of Mental Health, and the Department of Public Health.
Co-occurring Integrated Care Network (COIN) – The COIN program started in 2013, is located at AVRC and targets AB 109-ers in need of integrated co-occurring residential treatment. COIN participants receive residential substance abuse services from AVRC staff while receiving case management and mental health treatment from Project 180. Participants can continue with services at Project 180's downtown or Palmdale offices once completing COIN.
Empowering People through Intervention Choices (EPIC) – In partnership with the Departments of Health Services, Mental Health, and Public Health, EPIC is designed to divert individuals from the County psychiatric and medical emergency rooms who presents with primary substance abuse disorders and are in need of intensive treatment. Participants are identified in the emergency department setting, and are linked and transported directly into residential treatment at AVRC. Participants stay for three months, and are provided with mental health services by Project 180 if they are co-occurring.
Intensive Case Management Services Program (ICMS) – Funded by the Department of Health Services, Office of Diversion and Reentry, the ODR/ICMS program provides intensive wraparound services to the high-need/high-barrier behavioral health population in the LA County jail system. The program provides both interim and permanent supportive housing for some of the most underserved, or highest utilizers in the County system.
Federal Probation – Project 180 is the Los Angeles County provider of intensive treatment for Federal probationers with mental health or co-occurring disorders. In close collaboration with the Federal Probation Department, this pre-trial and re-entry program provides community supervision and treatment to address behavioral, mental health, substance and life issues.
Misdemeanor Incompetent to Stand Trial, Community-Based Restoration Program (MIST-CBR) – Proud to be the first community provider to participate in this pilot program, Project 180 currently provides competency restoration services in the community, to defendants that are found to be incompetent to stand trial for misdemeanor cases.
Supportive Employment – This program, initially funded by DOJ/BJA, was based on SAMHSA’s evidenced-based supportive employment model and aimed to increase each client’s success in job placement, retention and satisfaction.
Young Adults Program – In partnership with Homeboy Industries and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, Project 180 provides internship opportunities for Homeboy staff who would like to increase their exposure to and experience in the field of social service. At Project 180, Homeboy interns have the opportunity to work with co-occurring, justice-involved clients as client advocates.
Diversion, Outreach, and Opportunities for Recovery (L.A. DOOR) – A new City Attorney strategy to address addiction, mental health, and physical wellness in the field rather than in a courtroom. Funded by a Proposition 47 grant award from the state, LA DOOR addresses these issues by prioritizing mobile outreach, pre-booking diversion, and community engagement over the traditional criminal justice system approach. As the service provider for LA DOOR, Project 180 staffs a multi-disciplinary team that delivers mobile outreach and pre-booking services for eligible participants.
Past Programs
Adult Re-Entry Comprehensive Services (ARCS) – Funded by the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (DOJ/BJA) and in partnership with The Los Angeles County Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee (CCJCC), the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Administration (SAPC), SSG Project 180 launched the ARCS program in 2013. Serving female, medium to high risk participants, this program targeted individuals with behavioral/mental health and substance addiction issues in the LA County Jail system. Providing group and individual services in custody and for up to 12 months in the community post-release, ARCS aimed to reduce recidivism and increase long-term stability.
Integrated Mobile Health Team (IMHT) – Step Up On Second and The Saban Free Clinic partnered with Project 180 to establish the Health Outreach Street Treatment (HOST) project. The multidisciplinary team, located in Hollywood, included medical, mental health, substance abuse professionals and peer advocates who engaged homeless individuals on the streets and offered street-based comprehensive services.
Moms on a Mission Program (MOM) – An innovative program that integrated residential substance abuse treatment at the Antelope Valley Rehabilitation Center (AVRC) with mental health services provided Project 180. The M.O.M. Program offered treatment and skill-building for women 18–25 years of age experiencing both substance abuse and mental health issues and who have children who are at risk for juvenile justice and/or DCFS involvement.
Project DIRECT – Initially funded through the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Act (MIOCR) and then expended by the Department Of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (DOJ/BJA), Project DIRECT was an in-custody program delivering a wide array of services in Twin Towers Correctional Facility. Designed to target inmates with moderate levels of mental illness, Project DIRECT delivered treatment groups from Moral Reconation Therapy to Trauma Support to Employment Preparation as well as one-on-one Case Management and pre-release treatment planning.
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) – Provided through California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) funds, RSAT was an in-reach and re-entry program designed for males in the LA County jail system with substance addiction issues. Run out of Men’s Central Jail, RSAT provided substance abuse treatment and behavior modification groups as well as one-on-one Case Management and pre-release treatment planning.
Comprehensive Adult Reentry Program (CARE) – The Department of Mental Health was awarded a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to implement the CARE program, and Project 180 is the contracted provider of co-occurring, wraparound services. BJA/CARE participants are medium to high risk probationers identified by the Courts, or the Sherriff’s Department to participate in an intensive treatment program. Collaborators include the Department of Probation and the Office of Diversion and Reentry.